

Smile Brighter: Tips and Tricks for Optimal Dental Health

Consult A Dentist Before Whitening

If you’re unhappy with your smile because of tooth discoloration why not brighten it with one of the many choices of tooth whitening systems available today? But before you assume that whitening is the answer you should find out what’s causing the discoloration. It may be due to some medications you are taking or a physical condition that you are not aware of. So before things go any further let your dentist do a thorough exam.

Once you have determined that there is no underlying cause and that a bleaching solution will work to whiten your teeth ask your dentist to recommend a particular method. Discoloration varies so that one whitening system may work well on yellow or brown stains but do nothing to eliminate a greyish tinge.

If you opt to have the whitening done in your dentist’s office he will apply a highly concentrated gel that will take effect much faster than any over the counter product you may purchase. He may also use a laser beam to further speed up the process, which will take about an hour in all. If you prefer, your dentist will give you a whitening kit to take home and use there. It will contain custom made plastic trays, whitening gel and instructions.

Talk to Dr. Sigmon of Compass Dental about the professional tooth whitening process that he offers his patients. Call the office today @ 828-385-5155 in Hickory, NJ.

Restored Confidence For Denture Wearers

As some denture wearers are well aware replacement teeth aren’t ideal. Even though a denture is custom made for each individual patient it will take awhile to adjust to. Slippage often occurs because the denture is not securely attached to anything, it’s basically just resting on the gums. Lower dentures are especially vulnerable.

Many dental patients who have chosen to wear a denture over having implant surgery have done so because of a fear of the procedure or an issue with the cost involved. Now there is another alternative. Smaller diameter implants, commonly called “mini’ implants can be used to fix the denture in place and maintain its stability.

Even though it is supported by a permanent implant the denture itself is attached in a way that makes it easy to be removed by the wearer. Nightly removal and cleanings will be advised. Cleaning thoroughly around both the denture and the fastenings is important.

Being able to smile with renewed confidence and enjoy eating favorite foods again can make a big difference in the lifestyle choices for the denture wearer. Ask your dentist if mini implants may be right for you.

Discuss your concerns with Dr. Sigmon of Compass Dental in Hickory, NC. He and his staff are ready to provide the information and help you to make the right decisions regarding your dental care. Call the office @ 828-385-5155.

Feel Free To Ask For A Second Opinion

The American Dental Association advises patients that getting a second opinion about a proposed dental procedure is always appropriate. However, it is usually considered when the particular procedure would involve oral surgery or if it could be life changing e.g., replacing natural teeth with a denture.

There are certain circumstances that definitely merit getting another viewpoint. If for any reason you feel that you would be better off in the hands of someone more experienced in cosmetic dentistry, for instance. If your family dentist has suggested the need for braces for one of your children you may feel that a referral to a specialist in the field of orthodontics would be in order. Whatever the reason check with your insurance agency to see if they will cover the cost of a subsequent consultation.

If you decide to get a second opinion be prepared to ask pertinent questions. If your referral dentist agrees with the original diagnosis you should find out if there are options other than the procedure that your primary dentist recommended. Discuss the various options, compare costs and weigh the pros and cons of each possibility. If the diagnosis differs between the two dentists don’t hesitate to seek a third opinion.

Compass Dental in Hickory, NC welcomes referral patients. Dr. Sigmon is happy to discuss alternative and affordable treatments. Call the office @ 828-385-5155.

Occlusal Equilibration Relieves Imbalance

The “stomatognathic system” involves the joints and muscles of the jaw and the teeth.  Equilibration is making sure that the upper and lower teeth align while the jaw is at rest.  It’s important that all the teeth come together when we bite down so that undue pressure won’t be applied to the same few teeth over and over, causing premature wear and tear.  We may somehow realize that this is happening and try to overcompensate by re-positioning the jaw ourselves.  This could lead to bruxism (the habit of grinding the teeth) and do damage to the permanent teeth.  It could also affect the jaw muscles.

Some repercussions of misalignment can include tension headaches, chipped or broken teeth and receding gums.  Achieving occlusal equilibration often consists of reshaping the biting surfaces of the upper and lower teeth to even them out.  The dentist will make a cast of the patient’s teeth to study and determine exactly where the adjustments should be made.  Then the surface of the teeth will be polished with an instrument designed specifically for the technique.  Patients can feel an improvement in their bite right after the procedure.

Compass Dentistry in Hickory offers smile makeovers and cosmetic dental procedures to effect dramatic results for their patients.  Read about our get acquainted offers on the homepage of the website, then call the office @ 828-385-5155.

Get Your Smile Back

If you are less than pleased with what you see when you look into the mirror and smile you may want to consult with a cosmetic dentistry specialist.  There are more procedures available now than ever before so that practically any improvement that you have in mind can be accomplished with a minimum of time involved and at a reasonable cost.

When you go to your first session your dentist will want to do an exam and make sure that your overall oral health is good.  Whether your concern is deep staining or if you want to do something about gaping teeth, whatever the case may be your dentist will need to assess the amount of restoration that will be necessary to achieve the result that you are looking

It is very important that you and your dentist are on the same page about the improvements you expect to see from whichever procedure you elect to have.  If you can find an image of a smile that you admire and would like to reflect bring it with you to the consultation so that your dentist will know exactly the look that you’re hoping to come away with.

A cosmetic procedure can make you want to smile again and give you a new outlook on life. Talk to Dr. Sigmon at Compass Dental in Hickory, NC about a simple improvement or a complete smile makeover.  Call the office @ 828-322-6226 to set up a consultation.

Don’t Let Anxiety Get Out Of Control

Imagine cringing every time you saw an ad advocating the benefits of dental implants, or even a toothpaste commercial.  There are people who suffer what is know as “dental phobia” that actually do experience negative effects when confronted with anything having to do with going to the dentist.

A phobia by definition is an irrational fear, but to the person who suffers from it the fear is all too real and he will do almost anything to avoid whatever it is that he is so afraid of.  The phobia may be fed by the anxiety that comes from facing an unknown experience like an unfamiliar dental procedure.  It can also stem from a previous dental experience that did not go well.  Whatever the underlying cause, a full blown dental phobia will need to be addressed for several reasons.

An overpowering fear of the dentist will keep the dental phobic from seeking treatment when symptoms arise. The result of this neglect of his oral health will eventually affect the phobics very lifestyle.  When his teeth become discolored for instance, from lack of dental care he may begin to avoid social situations or meeting new people, any situation that might call for him to smile.  

A dental phobic may wind up putting his overall general health at risk as well as his dental health.  He may avoid seeing his health care provider for fear that the doctor will find something that requires prompt dental  attention.

Trust Dr. Sigmon and his staff of experienced associates at Compass Dental to make your next visit as pleasurable as possible.  Call  us at 828-358-2555.